Monday, February 26, 2007

21st Update on my Heritage rose

The blooms look yummy and delicious...I had to move this shrub to a shadier area to prolong the flowering time.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

20th Update on my Heritage rose

Heritage has the tendency to arch. As a result of this, it can be use as a small climber or a pillar shrub.

I had to tie my bush to prevent branches from breaking off. Looks good that way, because the flowers are not evenly distrubuted.

Friday, February 23, 2007

19th Update on my Heritage rose

Another hot day today. Planning to get another David Austin pink variety this coming weekend. That is if I could find any.

Heritage to me is like having an Ice-berg rose with a tinge of colour in it. In full sun, Heritage flowers look almost white.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

18th Update on my Heritage rose

This morning I noticed a light lemony colour on some flowers. I love this colour.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Revisit to Garden World

Yesterday, I went to Garden world in the hope of getting a new rose. Unfortunately they don't have much variety there.

But seeing those roses in full bloom was worth the day's trip.

17th Update on my Heritage rose

Pictures taken at 11:30 pm this morning.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

16th Update on my Heritage rose

This morning pictures...

Monday, February 19, 2007

15th Update on my Heritage rose

Later in this afternoon about 4pm, I noticed some pink colour in the petals.

14th Update on my Heritage rose

More photos... the flowers doesn't look pink...I wonder what's the name for this colour?...creamy apricot??

13th update on my Heritage rose

This morning photos. The weather looks a bit gloomy today.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

12th update on my Heritage rose

Hot and humid today so I decided to move my rose to a shadier position. Hopefully my Heritage will produce more pink flowers than white flowers.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pennisetum Rubrum

This got to be one of my favorite plants in my backyard. I like the soft tail-like flowers that bow and sway in the breeze. Looks great if mass planted along the driveway.

11th Update on my Heritage rose

Since the last update, my Heritage rose is becoming bushier...I like that. New buds are forming. More buds than last time and I can't wait for them to open up. New shoots are red in colour, but they turn green eventually.