Wednesday, January 17, 2007

10th Update on my Heritage rose

Well, the flowering has nearly finish...yesterday was incredibly hot, forcing most of the buds to open. The flowers look glossy white in full sun and get blown away easily in windy conditions.
I was planning to buy another David Austin rose called, "Comtes de Campaign" but have to postpone this to a later date. We are currently in stage 3 water restriction. There hasn't been any rain-fall in Melbourne and if this drought going to keep up, melbournians would most likely be drinking reycled water.
This morning, the sky looks a bit gloomy and still very humid. There's a possible thunderstorm.
One flower looks apricot-ish while the other look pink-ish.


Anonymous said...

Before seeing your 'Heritage' pics, I was afraid that my new Heritage might have blooms that would be too "pink" for my taste. However, I am very happy with what I am seeing from your rose. It appears to be much more blush with white than pink, and the blooms look very large and shapely. I am really looking forward to spring, and hoping my specimen will be as beautiful as yours.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Randy, and I hope u could set up a blog like this or a photo abulm in the net so that I could have a look at your roses.

The label says that Heritage has a strong fragrance. I could barely smell it. Maybe my rose is still small. Can't wait for it to get taller.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I hope your 'Heritage' fragrance increases as the plant ages.

I will post some pics of my roses on the Antique Rose Gallery, once spring finally arrives and they begin blooming. It is so cold here right now that I think spring may never come. In Texas, when we reach the freezing point, we consider that REALLY cold, lol.
